Substantive support and medical questions



Immunity support after a tick bite

  • Take control of your health in an inflammatory body
  • Support the body's immune system and control the development of bacterial colonies
  • Maintain normal liver function
149.50 PLN
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Use the product when:

  • you have been bitten by a tick and you want to strengthen your immune system
  • you are undergoing or after treatment for Lyme disease and want to support your body in recovery
  • you are looking for a way to improve your immunity
  • you want to detoxify your body

Find out more about the product

1 capsule 2 times a day (2 capsules a day)

The content of ingredients in the daily portion of the product - 2 capsules

Baikal skullcap Scutellaria baicalensis extract DER 10:1 - 240 mg

Grey leaved rockrose Cistus incanus Herba extract DER 10:1 - 240 mg

Wild teasel Dipsacus fullonum Radix DER extract 10:1 - 160 mg

Cat’s claw Uncaria tomentosa Radix extract DER 10:1 - 120 mg

Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica Radix extract DER 10:1 - 100 mg

Garlic Allium sativum Bulbus extract DER 10:1 - 100 mg

Green chiretta Andrographis paniculata Herba extract DER 10:1 - 80 mg

capsule material: vegetarian capsule with spirulina phycocyanin.

Hypersensitivity to any of the product ingredients.

Do not use in children under 12 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, out of the reach of small children.

What the expert says about Borelia+


Janusz Wietecha

Infectious diseases and bacterial toxins. A very difficult issue in phytotherapy. Our team of experts had to cope with this task. For your health. Borrelia spirochetes are extremely clever bacteria that cause a dangerous disease called Lyme disease. Proper treatment of Lyme disease also involves a healthy diet and proper supplementation with herb extracts. In modern phytotherapy, the administration of a specific mixture is most often based on the so-called Buhner protocol.

To overcome a challenge such as Lyme disease and weakened immunity, strong herbs are needed and their quality must be of the highest possible quality. If poorly treated, Lyme disease can lead to death or disability. By using such a herbal mixture, you will achieve two supplementary effects - detoxification of the body and strengthening of immunity. It is impossible to properly fight Borrelia spirochetes and other pathogens without effective removal of toxins. Lyme disease is called a disease of toxins, so such a herbal combination must always have a detoxifying effect.

It is worth remembering that in addition to the Buhner protocol, we should remember to supplement with probiotics and a large dose of Omega 3.

Attention! The herbs contained in our mixture not only cover Lyme disease, but also support systemic immunity, improve metabolism, support people with high blood pressure and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Science doesn't lie - see research

Herba paniculatum (Andrographis paniculata Herba) extract

Andrographoid, derived from A. paniculata, can inhibit invasive microbial virulence factors and regulate host immunity. Controlled clinical trials have shown that A. paniculata treatment is safe and effective for acute respiratory infections such as the common cold and sinusitis. Hence, A. paniculata, a mainly andrographoid, can be considered as an excellent candidate for antimicrobial drug development.

Cistus incanus herb Cistus incanus Herba extract

Cistus incanus reduces cardiovascular risk factors, including oxidative stress and dyslipidemia, and has antiviral and antimicrobial effects. The main active ingredients of the Cistus genus are polyphenolic compounds. Plant-derived polyphenols have been shown to be powerful antioxidants with potential health benefits.

Downy cap bark Uncaria tomentosa Radix extract

In numerous in vitro tests, the downy chalet has a positive anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effect

Questions we received

Supplementation with herbs contained in BORELIA+ together with an appropriate diet and regulation of microbiota provides excellent support for the immune system of people with Lyme disease.

Its cleansing, detoxifying and antioxidant properties, as well as supporting the immune system, are the most valuable supplements for people with Lyme disease.
149.50 PLN
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Opinions: 9
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Używam go jako naturalnego atybiotyku, gdy czuję, że coś mnie zaczyna łapać - wtedy suplementuję 2 x dziennie nawet po 3 kapsułki. Zawsze go mam w domu. Polecam!

Jadwiga , 2024-07-24 11:27

Przetestowałam przy pierwszym ataku przeziębienia, skutecznie zatrzymuje rozwój. W ciągu 2 dni nie rozchorowałam się i mogłam spokojnie funkcjonować.

Kasia, 2024-07-23 14:17

Używam Borelia+ jako naturalnego antybiotyku - zarówno dla mnie jak i dzieci. Bardzo polecam też jako naturalne oczyszczenie organizmu. Produkt topowego składu

Dominika, 2024-07-22 14:21

Borelie + stosuję ze względu na świetny skład by wzmocnić moją odporność. Działa !

Andrzej, 2024-03-04 20:09

Produkt łykam regularnie od 3 miesięcy, pomógł mi w walce z przewlekłym zapaleniem zatok. Widzę również poprawę ogólnej odporności.

Joanna, 2024-02-27 22:20

Świetny produkt na odporność. Polecam gorąco.

Urszula, 2022-11-18 09:52

Bardzo dobry na borrelię - skuteczny!

Agnieszka, 2022-10-13 21:57

Dziękuję za stworzenie Opti Boreli jestem nie tylko szczęśliwa ,że ten produkt używałam ale produkt ten pomógł mi bardzo przy bakterii ecoli j bolących nieustannie łydkach. Oczywiście nie tylko używam Opti Boreli aby podnieś odporność organizmu. Jest również Opti NR. i inne produkty z Naturday. Lecz istotne znaczenie dla mnie ma Opti Borelia i bardzo za ten produkt szczególnie jestem wdzięczna. Z poważaniem Anna

Anna, 2022-08-14 00:07