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Precise formula
  • Support  functioning of heart and blood vessels
  • Maintain proper energy metabolism and functioning of the nervous system
  • Reduce symptoms of menopause
142.03 PLN / 1 szt.
Resweratrol Liposom+
149.50 PLN
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Resweratrol Liposom+

  • who want to strengthen their heart function
  • in people recovering after cardiac surgery
  • in people exposed to unfavorable environmental influences, especially chemical poisoning, nicotine addiction, working in chemically polluted rooms
  • for people who want to strengthen their blood vessels

1 capsule 2 times a day (2 capsules a day)

Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, out of the reach of small children.

The product contains ingredients from soybean processing. People with confirmed hypersensitivity to soy products should not consume the product.

People taking medications should consume the product under medical supervision.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Synergy of perfectly selected ingredients

INGREDIENTS IN Resweratrol Liposom+

Thanks to its flavonoids, grapevine extract has antioxidant properties, contains potassium and vitamins C, K and A.


Vitis vinifera, also known as the common grapevine, is widely studied for its potential health benefits, mainly due to the high polyphenol content in grapes.

  1. Impact of Resveratrol on Cardiovascular Health: Baur, J. A., Pearson, K. J., Price, N. L., Jamieson, H. A., Lerin, C. J., et al. "Nature", 2006. This study analyzes the effects of resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grapes, on the health and lifespan of mice on a high-calorie diet. The results show that resveratrol improves metabolic health and extends the lifespan of mice, suggesting its potential benefits for cardiovascular health in humans.

  2. Antioxidant Activity of Grape Polyphenols: Sun, J., Chu, Y. F., Wu, X., Liu, R. H. "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry", 2002. This study compares the antioxidant properties of various fruits, including grapes. The results indicate that grapes have high antioxidant activity, which may contribute to protecting cells from oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

  3. Grape Seed Extract and Its Impact on Heart Health: Pignatelli, P., Ghiselli, A., Buchetti, B., Falchi, M., Lenti, L., et al. "Journal of Nutrition", 2006. This study evaluates the effect of grape seed extract supplementation on platelet activation and inflammation in an animal model of metabolic syndrome. The results show that grape seed extract can inhibit platelet activation and reduce inflammation, which may have beneficial effects on heart health.

  4. Effect of Red Wine Consumption on the Gut Microbiome: Queipo-Ortuño, M. I., Boto-Ordóñez, M., Murri, M., Gómez-Zumaquero, J. M., Clemente-Postigo, M., et al. "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", 2012. This study examines the impact of moderate red wine consumption on the gut microbiome in humans. The results indicate that red wine can positively affect the composition of the gut microbiome, increasing bacterial diversity and supporting gut health due to its polyphenol content.

These studies highlight the multifaceted health benefits associated with Vitis vinifera, including improved cardiovascular health, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and a positive impact on the gut microbiome.

Soy phospholipids are a type of lipid that are naturally found in soybeans. Research suggests that soy phospholipids may offer a range of health benefits, including hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties. They are also used in the creation of liposomes.


  1. Hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects: A 2018 study conducted by Chen and colleagues found that supplementation with soy phospholipids reduced blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as helped regulate glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

  2. Antioxidant and anticancer properties: A 2020 study by Zhang and colleagues demonstrated that soy phospholipids exhibited strong antioxidant and anticancer properties, which could aid in the prevention of cancer.

  3. Neuroprotective properties: A 2019 study by Li and colleagues found that soy phospholipids showed strong neuroprotective properties, potentially helping to protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

  4. Immunomodulatory properties: A 2017 study by Wang and colleagues revealed that soy phospholipids exhibited significant immunomodulatory properties, which could assist in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Soybean extract (Glycine Soja Seed Extract) has a moisturizing and nourishing effect.


  1. Anticancer Properties: Soybean extracts, rich in isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein, have been studied for their ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Research has shown that these compounds can suppress the proliferation of breast cancer cells and other tumors due to their anti-estrogenic effects and ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells (MDPI) (NCCIH)

  2. Impact on Heart Health: Studies have indicated that regular consumption of soy isoflavones can lower LDL cholesterol levels, contributing to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. These isoflavones may also improve vascular elasticity and lower blood pressure, positively affecting the circulatory system (NCCIH)

  3. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects: Soybean extracts exhibit strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases such as metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. The presence of saponins and isoflavones in soy helps protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress (MDPI)

  4. Impact on Bone Health: Isoflavones found in soy may support bone health, especially in postmenopausal women. Studies suggest that these compounds can increase bone mineral density, helping to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, particularly during the menopausal period (NCCIH) (SciGround Bio)

Reynoutria japonica contains not only antioxidants, but also phytohormones from the stilben group. These include resveratrol, an estrogen receptor agonist, which alleviates menopausal symptoms.


Polygonum cuspidatum, also known as Japanese knotweed, is valued for its potential health benefits. The primary active ingredient is resveratrol, which has strong antioxidant properties that help protect cells from oxidative stress. Studies suggest that extracts from Polygonum cuspidatum may have anticancer, anti-inflammatory properties and support heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and improving vascular function.

  1. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties: Ko WS, Lee HS, Lee SH, Lee H, Kim SJ, 2006. This study demonstrated that Polygonum cuspidatum extract possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

  2. Support for Cardiovascular Health: Sung B, Pandey MK, Aggarwal BB, 2011. Research suggests that resveratrol in Polygonum cuspidatum can support cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, improving lipid profiles, and reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

  3. Support for Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases: Kim DH, Park SJ, Kim JM, Jeon SJ, Ahn JH, Lee HE, Lee CW, Lee CH, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, 2007. This study found that resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum may have beneficial effects on brain health, including potential neuroprotective effects in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

  4. Anticancer Properties: Joe AK, Liu H, Suzui M, Vural ME, Xiao D, Weinstein IB, 2002. The study indicated that Polygonum cuspidatum extract might have anticancer properties, including inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis in various cancer cell lines.


Thiamine supports the proper functioning of several systems in the body, including the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems, and it also aids in maintaining healthy skin.


  1. "Thiamine and health: direct impact on energy metabolism in humans." Lonsdale D. Nutrition, 2006. This study discusses the importance of thiamine for health, with a particular focus on its role in energy metabolism in humans.
  2. "Thiamine and fatigue in inflammatory bowel diseases: an open-label pilot study." Costantini A, Pala MI, Grossi E, Mazzola M, Pulvirenti A, Caraglia M, et al. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2013. This study suggests that thiamine supplementation may help reduce fatigue in individuals suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.
  3. "Effect of thiamine supplementation on serum levels of advanced glycation end products and other oxidative stress markers in patients with type 1 diabetes." Hammes HP, Du X, Edelstein D, Taguchi T, Matsumura T, Ju Q, et al. Diabetes Care, 2003. This study suggests that thiamine supplementation may affect levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and other markers of oxidative stress in patients with type 1 diabetes.
  4. "Thiamine and benfotiamine prevent increased apoptosis in endothelial cells and pericytes cultured in high glucose." Stirban A, Negrean M, Stratmann B, Gawlowski T, Horstmann T, Götting C, et al. Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research, 2008. This study suggests that thiamine and benfotiamine (a derivative of thiamine) may protect endothelial cells and pericytes from apoptosis under high glucose conditions.
  5. "Thiamine and fatigue in inflammatory bowel diseases: an open-label pilot study." Costantini A, Pala MI, Grossi E, Mazzola M, Pulvirenti A, Caraglia M, et al. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2013. This study suggests that thiamine supplementation may help reduce fatigue in individuals with inflammatory bowel diseases.


Resveratrol strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is used in weight reduction.


Resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic compound, has strong antioxidant properties that help protect cells from oxidative damage. Resveratrol exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, supports heart health by improving vascular function and lowering cholesterol levels. It may also support cognitive functions and protect against neurodegeneration. Furthermore, resveratrol is being studied for its potential anticancer properties.
  1. Impact on Cardiovascular Health: Timmers S, Konings E, Bilet L, Houtkooper RH, Van de Weijer T, Goossens GH, Hoeks J, van der Krieken S, Renkema GH, Senden JM, Schrauwen P, 2011. This study demonstrated that resveratrol supplementation can improve cardiovascular functions by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and improving the lipid profile in healthy obese individuals. 
  2. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties: Zou J, Huang Y, Chen Q, Wang N, Xu Y, Xu P, Kang L, Liang Z, Liu L, Xu L, Xiao D, 2009. The study found that resveratrol exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. 
  3. Effect on Longevity: Baur JA, Pearson KJ, Price NL, Jamieson HA, Lerin C, Kalra A, Prabhu VV, Allard JS, Lopez-Lluch G, Lewis K, Pistell PJ, Poosala S, Becker KG, Boss O, Gwinn D, Wang M, Ramaswamy S, Fishbein KW, Spencer RG, Lakatta EG, Le Couteur D, Shaw RJ, Navas P, Puigserver P, Ingram DK, de Cabo R, Sinclair DA, 2006. Animal model studies suggest that resveratrol can increase lifespan by activating metabolic pathways associated with caloric restriction and improving metabolic health.
  4. Effect on Cognitive Function Improvement: Kennedy DO, Wightman EL, Reay JL, Lietz G, Okello EJ, Wilde A, Haskell CF, 2010. The study showed that resveratrol supplementation can improve cognitive functions, including memory and concentration, in healthy adults by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Resweratrol Liposom+
is for you if:

Polygonum cuspidatum root knotweed extract

The plant contains flavonoids, anthraquinones and stilbenes. Its extracts have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer and heart-protective properties. It is used to treat dizziness and headaches

Vitis vinifera Semen grape seed extract

V. vinifera has pharmacological effects - skin protection, as an antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effects, as well as hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects in experimental studies published in 2009

Thiamine hydrochloride

Thiamine is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy metabolism. Thiamine deficiency poses many challenges to clinicians, in part due to its broad clinical spectrum, called thiamine deficiency disorders, affecting metabolism, neurology, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems. Parallel diseases and overlapping symptoms may further complicate this.

Indications supported by Resweratrol Liposom+ ingredients

Embolism (Latin: embolia) is the sudden blockage of an artery's lumen by an embolic plug (Latin: embolus).

Cataract is an eye disease characterized by the gradual clouding of the eye's lens, which leads to impaired vision. It manifests as blurred vision, difficulty seeing in low light and loss of image sharpness.

Improving libido is the process of increasing sexual drive, which may involve lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular physical activity, stress reduction and adequate sleep.

Eye diseases are conditions that affect the health and function of the visual system. They can include glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and conjunctivitis, among others. Symptoms may include pain, vision disturbances and redness.

Vision problems are difficulties in perceiving images, such as blurred vision, eye pain, double vision or sensitivity to light, resulting from refractive errors or eye diseases.

Vision disturbances, such as blurriness, double vision, loss of sharpness, or dark spots, can result from eye diseases (such as cataracts or glaucoma), injuries, neurological conditions, or medications.

Balance problems are difficulties in maintaining body stability, which can result from disorders in the vestibular, neurological, cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid and the front surface of the eyeball (excluding the cornea).

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the walls of arteries, leading to their narrowing and hardening. It increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

Coronary heart disease is a condition characterized by the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerotic plaques. It can lead to chest pain (shortness of breath, angina) and heart attacks.

Skin redness is a condition where the skin takes on a reddish hue, usually due to the expansion of blood vessels. This can be a result of irritation, allergies, inflammation, sun exposure or infection.

Dry eye is a condition in which the eye produces insufficient tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. Symptoms include a burning, itching, irritation or redness.

Retinitis is an inflammatory condition of the inner membrane of the eye (the retina), which can lead to vision impairment. It may be caused by infections, autoimmune diseases, injuries, or other conditions, and is characterized by symptoms such as blurred vision and eye pain.

An ischemic stroke is a condition in which the blood flow to a part of the brain is blocked, leading to oxygen deprivation and damage to brain cells. Symptoms include sudden weakness, difficulty speaking, paralysis, and loss of balance.

Fever is a condition in which the body temperature exceeds the normal range (usually above 38°C). It is a response of the body to infections, inflammations, stress, or other factors, aimed at fighting pathogens.

Telangiectasia - skin prone to broken and visible blood vessels, especially on the face. It is sensitive to external factors such as temperature changes, alcohol and stress.

Strengthening of the heart involves using supplements containing ingredients that support heart health, such as omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, vitamins D and E, and antioxidants.

Hearing problems include difficulties in hearing or understanding speech. They can result from damage to the inner ear, infections, aging, noise exposure, genetic disorders or neurological conditions.

The prevention of aging signs (anti-aging) is a process or actions aimed at delaying or reducing visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and loss of skin firmness. This includes the use of cosmetics, a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Vascular purpura is a condition characterized by increased fragility and permeability of blood vessels, leading to easy bruising, bleeding and petechiae on the skin. It can result from various diseases, such as congenital vascular defects or autoimmune disorders.

Angina pectoris is chest pain caused by inadequate blood flow to the heart, often due to coronary artery disease. It manifests as pain, pressure and shortness of breath, particularly during physical exertion.

Arrhythmia is a heart rhythm disorder that can manifest as a heartbeat that is too fast, too slow or irregular. It can lead to dizziness, fainting and in more severe cases, can be life-threatening.

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, is a condition where blood pressure is lower than normal, which can cause dizziness, fainting, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

Tinnitus is the sensation of ringing, buzzing or hissing in the ears without an external sound source. I

Product designed by specialists, recommended by experts

Expert opinion

Atherosclerosis is one of the factors that threaten the life and health of each of us. To reduce the likelihood of this dangerous disease, it is worth following an appropriate diet and strengthening it with strong antioxidants.

Resveratrol is considered one of the strongest scavengers of harmful free radicals. He became famous all over the world thanks to his research on the so-called French paradox. Thanks to many years of scientific research, we have finally understood what supports the longevity of the French, which is unique in Western Europe, despite their theoretically not very healthy, too fatty diet and drinking large amounts of alcohol. The French use a lot of red wine in their meals, and red wine contains very strong antioxidants, including the most important one, resveratrol.

Therefore, if you care about healthy and strong blood vessels, you should supplement your diet with resveratrol, which is contained in grape extract and Japanese knotweed. To ensure that resveratrol enters the appropriate metabolic pathway and quickly supports your health, our team used the most modern liposomal form of this antioxidant.

Janusz Wietecha

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Przyjmuję resveratrol rano ponieważ daje energetycznego ,, kopa"

Resweratrol Liposom+
Zofia, 2022-09-20 10:29

Polecił mi ten produkt naturopata. Po dwóch miesiącach mam lepsze wyniki.

Resweratrol Liposom+
Tadeusz, 2022-08-31 14:36

This is what your predecessors asked us about

Frequently Asked Questions

The liposomal form of resveratrol reaches places where its active ingredients are needed more quickly and precisely, which is why it is more effective than regular resveratrol.

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