Atherosclerosis is one of the factors that threaten the life and health of each of us. To reduce the likelihood of this dangerous disease, it is worth following an appropriate diet and strengthening it with strong antioxidants.
Resveratrol is considered one of the strongest scavengers of harmful free radicals. He became famous all over the world thanks to his research on the so-called French paradox. Thanks to many years of scientific research, we have finally understood what supports the longevity of the French, which is unique in Western Europe, despite their theoretically not very healthy, too fatty diet and drinking large amounts of alcohol. The French use a lot of red wine in their meals, and red wine contains very strong antioxidants, including the most important one, resveratrol.
Therefore, if you care about healthy and strong blood vessels, you should supplement your diet with resveratrol, which is contained in grape extract and Japanese knotweed. To ensure that resveratrol enters the appropriate metabolic pathway and quickly supports your health, our team used the most modern liposomal form of this antioxidant.