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Supplementing the level of magnesium, zinc and vitamin D3

  • A unique composition of easily digestible magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin D3
  • The perfect combination for those overworked and stressed by civilization toxins or for active people who need support for quick learning and concentration
  • Strong support for regeneration in amateur and professional sports
99.00 PLN 94.05 PLN
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Use the product when:

  • you need to replenish magnesium in your body
  • you are looking for the highest quality magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin D3
  • you actively practice sports
  • you can't sleep because of painful leg cramps
  • you want to strengthen your immunity in the fall and winter
  • you need to strengthen your bones due to osteoporosis

Find out more about the product

1-2 capsules a day, drink water.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet and does not replace a healthy lifestyle.

The content of ingredients in the daily portion of the product - 2 capsules

Magnesium, form: magnesium malate - 120 mg

Magnesium, form: magnesium bisglycinate - 30 mg

Magnesium, form: magnesium carbonate - 24 mg

Vitamin B6, form: pyridoxine hydrochloride - 18 mg - 1285.7% RWS

Zinc, form: zinc lactate - 15 mg 150% RWS

Vitamin D3, form: cholecalciferol - 50 μg (2000 IU) - 1000% RWS

Capsule material: HPMC vegetarian capsule with spirulina phycocyanin

Total magnesium: 46.4% RDA

Hypersensitivity to any of the product ingredients. The product is intended for adults. Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, out of the reach of small children.

What the expert says about Magne+


Janusz Wietecha

Magne+ is a formula whose ingredients - magnesium, vitamin B6 and D3, zinc - support, among others: nervous system function and immunity. Magnesium deficiency causes disturbances in the functions of the entire body, which is why its supplementation is now so popular and valued:

Magnesium stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves the functioning of gray cells, and improves the ability to remember. It fights migraine pain and has a calming effect, additionally:

- is responsible for the efficient functioning of the cardiovascular system, - in combination with calcium and vitamin D, builds bones and teeth, prevents osteoporosis.

- improves digestion.

- dilates the respiratory tract, so it may make breathing easier for asthmatics.

- regulates muscle tension and is very useful in the treatment of injuries - protects the body against the harmful effects of heavy metals

- regulates thyroid function

- relieves symptoms associated with painful menstruation.

Vitamin B6

When it is lacking, disorders in the nervous system occur, manifesting themselves in depression, low mood, insomnia, immunity decreases and anemia/anemia occurs.

Therefore, we should take care of its supply in food and supplementation because it initiates and controls over 100 enzymes that influence the course of key biochemical reactions.

It is needed to maintain proper hormonal balance and is therefore used in vitamin supplementation to treat:

- premenstrual syndrome

- depression,

- acne.

Pyridoxine contained in vitamin B6 is needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system, it is involved in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. It also affects blood pressure, muscle contractions and heart function. It increases the body's immunity because it participates in the formation of antibodies. Helps maintain proper ethereal metabolism; functioning of the nervous system; homo-cysteine, protein and glycogen metabolism; maintaining proper psychological functions; production of red blood cells; functioning of the immune system; reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue; regulation of hormonal activity.


Zinc is one of the microelements without which our body cannot function properly. An inappropriate diet may lead to zinc deficiency in the body.

- stimulates the functioning of the pancreas and prostate

- thanks to it we feel tastes and smells

- strengthens the body's immunity and helps alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, protects us against colds, flu, conjunctivitis, mycosis and other infections

- improves intellectual performance, prevents dementia, supports the treatment of depression and schizophrenia

- has a positive effect on fertility and regulates menstruation

- supports the treatment of diabetes and hypothyroidism

- relieves the symptoms of osteoporosis

- supports the treatment of hemorrhoids, enteritis and peptic ulcer disease

- protects cells against the destructive effects of free radicals

- accelerates wound healing and soothes skin irritations. It is effective in the treatment of juvenile acne and rosacea, burns, eczema and psoriasis

- strengthens hair and nails

Additionally, it helps maintain proper acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism, cognitive functions, proper DNA synthesis, fertility and reproductive functions. It contributes to maintaining the proper metabolism of macronutrients, fatty acids and vitamin A. It helps in proper protein synthesis, functioning of the immune system, maintaining healthy bones, proper testosterone levels, proper vision, mucous membranes, healthy skin, hair and nails. It takes part in the process of cell division.

Vitamin D3 called the sunshine vitamin

Sunbathing helps produce this vitamin, but people over 60 should supplement it all year round. Other age groups should supplement it depending on their needs, but it is recommended to take it in autumn, winter and spring.

- It increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the digestive system and increases the reabsorption of calcium in the urinary system.

- It also affects the muscular system, activating numerous metabolic processes in the muscle tissue.

- Strengthens the body's immunity. Vitamin D3 prevents respiratory infections.

- Has anti-inflammatory effects.

- It also affects the cardiovascular system: it affects blood vessels, lipid metabolism and blood pressure.

- Vitamin D3 has an anticoagulant effect and therefore prevents clots, heart attacks and ischemic strokes

- It also contributes to maintaining the proper condition of the skin.

- It also has a positive effect on sleep and regulates its duration

Additionally, it helps maintain healthy bones, healthy muscles, proper calcium levels in the blood, proper use of calcium and phosphorus, helps maintain healthy teeth, proper functioning of the immune system, and takes part in the process of cell division.

Science doesn't lie - see research

The use of magnesium in therapy

Magnesium is an essential mineral for optimal metabolic function. Studies have shown that the magnesium mineral content of food sources is decreasing, and magnesium deficiency has been detected in people with certain chronic diseases. This has led to increased awareness of proper magnesium intake and its potential therapeutic role in many conditions. Studies have shown the effectiveness of magnesium in eclampsia and preeclampsia, arrhythmia, severe asthma and migraine. Other areas that have shown promising results include reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, improving glucose and insulin metabolism, relieving symptoms of dysmenorrhea, and relieving leg cramps in pregnant women. The use of magnesium for constipation and indigestion is accepted as standard of care despite limited evidence


Questions we received

MAGNE+ ingredients perfectly supplement deficiencies of magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin D3, especially in the autumn and winter.

Supplementation is a way to supplement the body's deficiencies. In almost every case of intense sports activities, our body is deficient in minerals and vitamins over shorter or longer distances. Magnesium ions are particularly often deficient, which is why administering magnesium in sports is a common and very beneficial practice to increase regeneration and increase the body's efficiency.
99.00 PLN 94.05 PLN
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Opinions: 8
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Zdecydowanie polecam! Używamy w rodzinie i widać niesamowity efekt. Lepsza regeneracja po treningu, brak skurczy, lepszy sen, więcej spokoju - polecam zdecydowanie! To najlepszy magnez jaki do tej pory miałem!

Marcin, 2025-01-29 21:03

Bardzo polecam. Świetny skład i działanie. Zamawiam już kolejne popakowanie.

Renata, 2024-11-02 21:50

Regularne stosowanie magnezu zdecydowanie poprawiło moje samopoczucie. Zauważyłam, że mam więcej energii w ciągu dnia, mniej problemów z koncentracją, a także lepiej radzę sobie ze stresem. Magnez pomaga mi też w regeneracji po treningu – skurcze mięśni przestały być problemem. To naprawdę niezastąpiony suplement w mojej codziennej rutynie!

Ela, 2024-10-25 10:01

Polecam magnez , bo jest bardzo jakościowy i poprawiły się dzięki niemu wyniki badań mojego męża

Renata, 2024-10-04 23:26

Dla mnie suplementacja magnezem jest bardzo ważna, więc przyjmuję ten suplement na stałe, codziennie, 365 dni w roku. Polecam, bo ma super skład!

Jadwiga , 2024-07-24 11:16

Swoją opinię wystawiam po 10 dniach stosowanie. Dlaczego tak szybko? Ponieważ już widzę pożądane efekty i mogę się nimi podzielić. Po pierwsze, nocne skurcze łydek zniknęły. Po drugie, zmęczenie związane z przesileniem wiosennym ustąpiło. Magnez potrzebuję również w swoim stylu żywienia, i tu również potwierdzam jego rewelacyjne działanie. Szczerze polecam, bo to jeden z lepszych produktów na rynku!

Anna, 2024-03-01 06:34

Krótko: odkąd przyjmujemy z żoną "Opti Magne" odtąd przestały nam dokuczać nocne skurcze mięśni nóg

Jacek, 2022-09-09 09:48

Miałam skurcze łydek w nocy, od kiedy stosuję produkt przesypiam całą noc.

Zofia, 2022-09-07 06:02