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Precise formula
  • supports the ability to concentrate, learn, cognitive and mental activity.
  • protects brain nerve cells
  • stimulates memory processes
149.50 PLN / 1 szt.
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  • you need to increase your brain performance
  • when you need to increase the speed of memorizing, e.g. during an exam session or before the final exam
  • you are getting older and you want to keep your mind sharp until you get older

1-2 capsules a day, swallow with water.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet and does not replace a healthy lifestyle.

Store at room temperature, out of sunlight, out of reach of small children.

Hypersensitivity to any of the product ingredients.

The product is intended for adults.

Do not use in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Synergy of perfectly selected ingredients


Ginkgo biloba leaf extract stimulates neurons to transmit impulses more efficiently, improving the memory process and the ability to concentrate.


Ginkgo biloba is a tree native to China, also known as the Chinese maidenhair tree. This plant is valued for its medicinal and health-promoting properties, which are widely researched and documented.

  1. Improvement in Cognitive Function: Mix JA, Crews WD Jr, 2000.: The study suggests that extracts from Ginkgo biloba may improve cognitive functions such as memory and concentration, particularly in older adults.
  2. Support for Blood Circulation: Mahadevan S, Park Y, 2008.: The study found that Ginkgo biloba can enhance blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood viscosity.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Ahlemeyer B, Krieglstein J, 2003.: Laboratory research suggests that Ginkgo biloba has strong antioxidant properties that may protect nerve cells from oxidative stress.
  4. Reduction of Psychiatric Disorder Symptoms: Woelk H, Arnoldt KH, Kieser M, Hoerr R, 2007. Clinical research showed that Ginkgo biloba may help reduce symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety by modulating neurochemical mechanisms in the brain.

Adaptogen. Golden root i ncreases adaptability to environmental conditions; increases the organism's tolerance to stress factors.


  1. Improvement of Cognitive Abilities and Reduction of Fatigue: Spasov AA, Wikman GK, Mandrikov VB, Mironova IA, Neumoin VV, 2004. A study conducted on young doctors working night shifts showed that supplementation with Rhodiola rosea improves cognitive abilities and reduces fatigue, indicating the potential use of this plant in stressful conditions.

  2. Increased Cognitive Function and Reduced Fatigue: Shevtsov VA, Zholus BI, Shervarly VI, Vol'skij VB, Korovin YP, Khristich MP, Roslyakova NA, Wikman G, 2003. This study suggests that Rhodiola rosea enhances cognitive function and reduces feelings of fatigue in healthy individuals, indicating a positive effect of this plant on overall mental performance.

  3. Support in Depression Treatment: Darbinyan V, Aslanyan G, Amroyan E, Gabrielyan E, Malmstrom C, Panossian A, 2007. The study found that supplementation with Rhodiola rosea may aid in the treatment of depression by improving mood and reducing depressive symptoms. The results suggest the potential use of Rhodiola rosea in depression therapy.

  4. Effectiveness Against Mental and Physical Fatigue: Olsson EM, von Schéele B, Panossian AG, 2009. In a study involving medical students, Rhodiola rosea was found to effectively reduce both mental and physical fatigue. Participants who took the herb reported better physical and mental condition compared to the control group.

Indications supported by Mind+ ingredients

Product designed by specialists, recommended by experts

Expert opinion

Plant extracts have been supporting our brain in its work for many years.

Basil supports proper circulation related to the efficiency and sensitivity of the brain; contributes to optimal mental and cognitive activity, protects nerve cells and stimulates memory processes.

Bacopa supports maintaining the ability to concentrate and memory capacity. It helps maintain good cognitive and memory skills over time and as aging progresses. Supports learning ability. Supports vascular and microvascular circulation related to brain function. It has a positive effect on the brain (CNS) (including the hippocampi), maintaining short- and long-term memory and the level of intelligence. It prevents the development of a stress reaction and helps maintain healthy sleep.

Rhodiola helps in adapting to the emotional stress of physical exercise, and has a beneficial effect on fatigue and headaches caused by stress. It stimulates perception and has a positive effect on the state of mind. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and maintaining vascular pressure. Supports proper blood circulation related to brain performance. Supports maintaining optimal cognitive and mental activity.

Ginkgo helps to maintain proper brain function in older people. It contributes to maintaining nervous balance. It supports mental balance.

Janusz Wietecha

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Genialny przy mgle mózgowej i problemach z koncentracją. nie wiem jak to działa, ale odczucie jest lekkości w głowie i jakby przyspieszenia w kojarzeniu i myśleniu.

Kasia, 2024-07-23 14:23

Mind+to rewelacyjny produkt, pobudził moje procesy pamięciowe. Ma wspaniały skład, dzięki temu, zadziałał, polecam go osobom uczącym się, które chcą skoncentrować się, na zadaniu jak i osobom które mają tzw. mgłę mózgową.

Weronika, 2024-03-07 10:58

O tym doskonałym następnym produkcie jak Opti Mind mogę dużo dobrego powiedzieć, gdyż po wypadku i stresie miałam problemy z koncentracją , Ten produkt w połączeniu z Opti Stres był dla rewelacyjnym antidotum. Teraz mogę potwierdzić z czystym sumieniem ,że pomógł mi , ponieważ zaczęłam zapamiętywania więcej i mogę się koncentrować również w lepszym stopniu. Mam super rezultat. Produkt uzywal również młody chłopiec syn mojej przyjaciółki i oczywiście rezultat wspaniały , gdyż koncentracja jego w nauce niesamowite się zwiększyła. Polecamy produkt dla dorosłych jak i dla nastolatków. Dziękujemy.

Anna, 2022-08-14 00:43

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