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CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha


  • Wide use of CBD oil supplementation in dozens of different ailments and in health prevention
  • Classic 10% Hemp seed oil. Extraction in supercritical CO2. A single dose of 120 mg, including 12 mg of phytonutrients. It contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids, including CBD and a permitted dose of THC
199.00 PLN
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Use the product when:

  • People with pain with a recognized cause
  • Elderly people, both healthy and those with dementia
  • Active people and athletes
  • Children, especially with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD
  • People in convalescence
  • People with conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, pain, inflammation, anxiety and depression
  • People who want to naturally strengthen and nourish their immune system
  • People with cancer under medical supervision

Find out more about the product

Recommended daily intake: 2 doses

Taking Full Spectrum CBD oil means replenishing deficiencies in the body, i.e. supplementation. The administration of external cannabinoids replenishes the deficiencies of internal, human endocannabinoids.

1 dose of spray = 0.12 ml. With a total bottle volume of 10 ml there are approximately 84 doses.

Recommended dosage:

1 dose of Full Spectrum CBD oil under the tongue, 2 times a day

1 drop of Full Spectrum CBD oil under the tongue, 3 times a day.

Attention! Recommended option!

Optimal dosing with the use of 3 product forms:

PURE 10% Full Spectrum CBD "CLASSIC",

You can choose all 3 CBD oils and use them according to the following schedule:

Full Spectrum CBD "Power" as a morning dose 1 drop under the tongue.
Full Spectrum CBD "Classic" as a daily dose, eg. with lunch - 1 drop under the tongue
Full Spectrum CBD "Relax" as a night dose, 1 drop under the tongue.

Recommended daily intake: 2 doses

10% CBD oil, volume 10 ml - extraction in supercritical CO2

Cannabis sativa Semen hemp seed oil with phytonutrients (24 mg) - 253,3 mg

Ashwagandha root extract (Withania somnifera) DRE extract 25:1 - 4,5 mg, - including withanolides 0,22 mg

Flavor - orange extract - 2,25 mg

Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the supplement.

Do not use in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Store in a cool and dark place, out of reach of small children.

What the expert says about CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha


Janusz Wietecha


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid of plant origin. CBD has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, along with immune-supporting, neuroprotective properties and supporting cellular homeostasis and the system of adaptation to civilization stress. Extremely valuable for supplementation in people with autoimmune diseases.

In medicine, it is considered the successor to THC without hallucinogenic and psychoactive effects. CBD was isolated in the 1940s and its structure elucidated in the 1960s. In recent years, scientists have begun to investigate CBD as an alternative to THC.

The source of obtaining CBD and other cannabinoids in Full Spectrum CBD oil is hemp inflorescences.


Withania somnifera is one of the most valued plants in Ayurvedic medicine, the roots of which are also widely used in traditional supplementation due to their multi-directional biological activity.

Active substances from Ashwagandha support faster and better absorption of CBD and other cannabinoids, so the combination of CBD oil and ashwagandha has additional synergistic properties in this respect.

Ashwagandha extracts used in supplementation have adaptogenic, neuroprotective, anti-stress, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and fertility-supporting properties.

Therefore, they are valued in reducing stress, anxiety and fear, supporting fertility and sexual functions, strengthening cognitive functions and, what is especially important nowadays, they are extremely valued as an adaptogen that strengthens the body's resistance to oxidative stress and environmental pollution.


Research has proven that our internal endocannabinoid production system is often inefficient and does not produce enough internal cannabinoids. This situation predisposes to the occurrence of many ailments, e.g. fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. In each CBD oil, the most important ingredients are natural cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids.

The endocannabinoid system has attracted significant attention as a potential target for supplementation in many physiological conditions, such as energy balance, appetite stimulation, blood pressure, pain modulation, embryogenesis, nausea and vomiting control, memory, learning, and immune response, as well as in pathological conditions such as such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Scientific publications describe the potential applications of products containing full spectrum CBD oil. The indications described in the publications are currently subject to clinical evaluation in studies conducted around the world.

Science doesn't lie - see research

A Clinician's Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils

Potential uses of full spectrum oil and CBD in medicine - treatment - anti-epileptic, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, addiction treatment / treatment, anti-inflammatory dermatological use, neuroprotective.

Questions we received

SELECTED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCHED INDICATIONS IN SUPPLEMENTATION: Heart and blood vessels Neuroprotection (brain protection) Parkinson's disease, Ch. Alzheimer's Inflammation Pain Psoriasis Acne Schizophrenia Cancer Insomnia Addiction COVID 19 Autoimmune diseases Diabetes Autism Links to publications are available upon request by e-mail to:
199.00 PLN
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Opinions: 5
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Bardzo dobry olejek. Myślę, że miłośnicy CBD będą zachwyceni. Do tego szybka aplikacja.

CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha
Kasia, 2024-07-23 14:22

Absolutna perełka! zawiera pełne spektrum kannabinoidów oraz ashwagandhę, która doskonale wspiera moje codzienne funkcjonowanie. Czuję się bardziej zrównoważona, zrelaksowana, a zarazem pełna energii.

CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha
Dorota, 2024-02-29 13:21

Kiedy po raz pierwszy usłyszałem o olejkach CBD, chyba z rok temu, strasznie mi nie odpowiadał smak tego, co kupiłem, więc nie zważając na ogólną opinię, że są to fajne rzeczy, nie dałem rady z tego korzystać. Kiedy napotkałem ten produkt u znajomego i spróbowałem, to już nic nie stało na przeszkodzie, by go wreszcie wypróbować, bo z powodu czystości (jakości) i smaku pomarańczy nie miał żadnej nieprzyzwoitej goryczy, które są w różnych niby podobnych produktach. Ale to, co mnie skłoniło do zastosowania, zaś po 2 tygodniach codziennego korzystania CAŁKOWICIE mi znikły bóle w odcinku lędźwiowym, które ostatnio dokuczały mi prawie codziennie od 6 miesięcy!!! Mam traumę z dzieciństwa, więc zniwelowanie tego bólu, który często miałem bardzo mocny, w tak prosty sposób, dla mnie jest MEGA miło niespodzianką. Nadmienię tylko, że ostatnie 3 miesiące w ogóle zapomniałem, że ten ból u mnie istnieje i na pewno jak się skończy mi się ten olejek, to chętnie wrócę po kolejny! Super jakość - super działanie!

CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha
Paweł S., 2022-09-21 19:55

Brak zmęczenia przez cały dzień, a pracuję fizycznie. Były momenty, że drżała mi głowa, teraz jak ręką odjął. Polecam ????

CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha
Maciej, 2022-09-20 11:39

Zażywam CBD już dłuższy czas ale w POWER bardzo mi odpowiada jego smak. Działanie wszechstronne. Działa nie tylko na układ nerwowy chociaż zdecydowanie jestem spokojniejsza i lepiej śpię ale mam wrażenie, że poprawiła mi się również odporność.

CBD Hemp oil POWER + Ashwagandha
Zofia, 2022-09-07 06:12